LEGAL NAME: Henry David Hunt

KNOWN ALIASES: “The Warden,” “The Warden of Detroit,” “The Unbreakable Man,” “The Vigilante,” “Man in Black,” “Man in a Black Mask”


DOB: February 5th, 1978

POB: Detroit, Michigan

OCCUPATION: Detroit Corrections Officer

SPECIES: Deviant Human


WEIGHT: 300lb

HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown

RACE: Caucasian



BACKGROUND: Henry Hunt aka “The Warden” is a vigilante that first appeared in Detroit in late 2004. His latent Deviant abilities manifested after being shot in the womb during a home invasion, resulting in both his parent’s deaths, leaving newborn Henry an orphan. He was raised in St. Germaine’s Home for Unfortunate Youths under Fr. David Callahan who acted as Henry’s surrogate father. Hunt represents a very unique type of Deviant, one that, however misguided, has decided to use his abilities for the betterment of mankind. He now act as a watchful protector for Detroit, guarding it’s people and intervening when the city is threatened by both internal and external forces alike.



  • Superhuman Strength: Hunt is one of the physically strongest Deviant we currently have on file. Hunt possesses a unique physiology contributing to his immense strength. We theorize that his strength is a result of unusually high density myofibrils making up an overall very dense and tightly woven musculature animated by powerful tendons and ligaments. His nearly unbreakable skeletal structure provides a robust foundation which allows him to support immense weight. However, perhaps the most unique and astonishing ability contributing to his amazing strength is that his nervous system has no built in limits against maximum exertion in the short run meaning that much like an animal he has no governor that reduces strength, so in short we currently can find no limit to his strength.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Hunt’s skin is extremely dense possessing super elastic and energy absorbent qualities simultaneously meaning that not only does his skin bounce back to its original form after suffering extreme trauma, but that said force is spread equally throughout his entire body minimizing nearly all effects. As stated above, his muscles and bones are also extremely dense, adding what we estimate as an extra seventy-five pounds to his frame and increasing his durability to superhuman levels. His bones in particular are theorized to possess a hyperdense osseous matrix, wherein his bone tissue is endowed with unparalleled mineralization and molecular reinforcement. His skeletal configuration would purportedly render him virtually impervious to mechanical stresses and fractures, surpassing the physiological norms observed in the human skeletal system. This would also mean that the shear density and tensile strength of his bones allows him to support massive weight adding to his strength.
  • Superhuman Senses: All of Hunt’s senses perform at superhuman levels as evident by his enhanced temporal lobes. This is extremely uncommon for someone in Hunt’s power set, making him that much more of a potent threat. His hearing is particularly cute, not only can he hear sounds at frequencies imperceptible by normal human ears, but he can also coherently process vast amounts of sensory input.
  • Superhuman Physiology: Besides the abilities listed above Hunt has a number of other extraordinary abilities. His extremely powerful legs allow him to run at speeds of 40 miles per hour and leap great distances as witnessed by agents in the field. His stamina and endurance seem almost limitless which could be a result optimized blood and oxygen circulation as well as delivery of nutrients and lymphatic fluids throughout his body. This means amongst other things that lactic acid build up is of little concern to the vigilante. His immune system, heart, lungs, and all other body systems would have to operates at superhuman efficiency as well with all of his organs possessing the same super elastic and energy absorbent nature as his skin. He also would have some regenerative capabilities due to the near instantaneous tearing and reforming of muscle fibers to accommodate heavier weight.

SKILLS: A skilled hand-to-hand combatant that possesses exceptional control over the abilities listed above.



STRENGTH: Superhuman

SPEED: Superhuman

DURABILITY: Nigh Invulnerable

IQ: 125

KNOWN AFFILIATES: Fr. David Callahan